Monday, September 7, 2009

september 7, 2009

cupcake resized

dear jen,

if you knocked on my front door right now, we would have tea, yes tea, and a cupcake just like the one on the photo enclosed. wouldn't that be perfect? we could unpack any worries on our hearts and find our way to laughter. i can just see us. in a bit, you could set up your jewelry and twist and wrap wire into beauty with your hair all up in that orange scarf while i curl into the corner chair with my mac and the patchwork quilt (the one with squares and light blue back? yes, you know the one) and my fingers would fly across the keyboard as i pull the thoughts from the air and turn them into words on a white screen. oh i haven't said thank you for pushing me (ever so gently but firmly) to watch elizabeth gilbert's talk. i can't stop thinking about it actually. how the words are rushing toward the poet and she must run run run to get her notebook to write them down before they push right through her and set off to find another poet. the tears came with that image. elizabeth gilbert just sounds so firmly grounded in her beliefs. how i need to surround myself with people who feel that ground beneath them. yes. add this to my list of how i want to live. (please remind me when i forget.)

the house is quiet in this moment. jon has gone to bed and millie is cuddled up in her bed here in the living room. the only sound is the native american flute music i have on that seems to be entering my pores to find space within each exhale to then float around inside me. listening, i feel my first chakra drop deep through to the ground below this house through the soil, rocks, silt until it wraps around the core of all we know and grips hold. with each exhale, i feel that connection and remember what is true. i breathe it in. yes. yes. yes. perhaps this is to be part of my current morning practice. morning pages. yoga. find the first chakra and drop that cord into the earth. breathe in. breathe out. and then begin the day...

and now millie stirs...must be time for bed.

know that you are loved.

blessings and light,

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