Wednesday, September 9, 2009


dear liz,
  so many projects fill my brain today. so, i pause to read...
" The soul comes everyday at dawn..good to see you again..."---Rumi
i imagine the soul appearing in front of me, maybe handing me a cup of tea. my insides become calm and warm, i settle in to listen and am enveloped in golden threads. glowing. what would the soul say if it came to visit? but wait, it is here. now. can i be still long enough to hear it? i wonder what do other's do to hear it? what do you do my friend? is it like the last letter you wrote, you drop into yourself and breathe there? sink? 
   i bought bracelets like yours the other day. when they jangle loudly i think of the one you almost lost that i chased around in the street. we laughed so much that day. i love to think of it now.
    tonight, i imagine you typing from afar, conjuring up another list of amazing ideas. dreaming. perhaps a tiny box with a poem, a tree wrapped with lace and a self portrait image that won't leave you alone? or wait is this my dream? tell, me what are you dreaming up these days....or is it a secret?
i miss you.
love,  jen

1 comment:

  1. sigh...
    love this..
    it makes me stop
    and think how do i listen?

    do i listen?
