Sunday, December 6, 2009

december 5, 2009


i am wishing for snow today. and time to read poetry.
perhaps a fire in the fireplace and "wintersong" playing softly in the background.
yes. in this moment, i am wishing for tea and a perfect muffin.
for an invitation to play and a whispered dream to arrive on the wind.
i am wishing for continued energy as i lean in toward self-care.
for words to wind there way to the page (upon page)
and that your heart feels magic and joy today.
today, in this moment, i wish
i wish.

and yes my friend, yes, i think about the little one inside me growing, stretching to find its way to here. it seems impossible and perfect at the same time. thank you for listening as i find my way too.

love and light,


  1. Liz, what a lovely blog idea! and such beautiful words you share here in these posts.
    (thanks for the kind words on my photos)

  2. and as the little one grows, i send you love and hugs.

  3. i wish you joy and magic today too.

    stopping over from Soul Aperture to say hi.

    one love.
